রবিবার, ২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Max Level | The Gaming Community?. No Longer A Community

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Long ago there was a time when playing a video game by yourself or with friends was fun, good wholesome fun. Sure things got a little competitive, you may have expressed some anger to yourself, the game, the controller, the?TV??.. the wall. But at the end of the day you found yourself willingly turning off the console or PC because you wanted to. You were probably happy with the progress you made in that session or it was dinner time and you needed to energize for the next round of playing.

It wasn?t because someone killed you once, the puzzle was too hard to solve or you were defeated by the level boss and it just infuriated you so much you up and?rage quit. Sometimes these rage quits resulted in you never attempting the game again, thus creating a $60 coaster.

In the end your friends; after destroying you, would take the time to teach you what they knew or explained why and how you were so easily defeated. ?They provided you with all this knowledge because it would provide them with a better opponent for next time you two played. Though it was funny watching you smash your controller into the ground?repeatedly, they wanted you to have fun.

Now we find ourselves in a world where people constantly banter and bicker over who the greatest player is and how efamous one can get. And if you learn something about a game you keep it secret as if you found the location of the fountain of youth. It makes me feel and sound old when I say this but observing the behaviors of people these days playing video games and how they act in the community, it makes me cringe just thinking about the level of maturity being displayed to the public. It?s bad enough we live in an age where people are pulling guns and knives out at a fist fight but when you hear stories about gaming LANs and tournaments where people start brawling because they lost a match? Or going around making fun of someone either in person or on the web because they play a certain genre of game that isn?t the same as yours. I mean Really? Seriously? Come on now. At which point in time would those actions ever benefit the community? Have you ever wondered what something you say in a forum or on a social media site looks like to people who aren?t in our community? Have you stopped to think, ?Are my actions helping or hurting us?? The same community that is constantly under fire. When people outside of the community begin pointing fingers because someone goes on a shooting spree, gets bad grades, gets into fights or is in constant trouble, does that feel good? Do you enjoy being the scapegoat for societies problems?

The Gaming Community has ruined its own image. Yes, there are many people out there that are good people; ones whom provide excellent examples on how to behave, act and react to situations,?you know who you are,?but there is more than just 1 bad apple among the many good apples, there are many bad apples. Apples that give you and me a bad image when we tell people we play Video games. There is that ever looming Stigma around Gamers when someone asks us:

?So what do you do for fun??

?I play video games.? (Among other things hopefully)

?Oh so you must seclude yourself from society, not have a job and never take showers?

Is that really the way you want everyone to view us?

You have a choice, you can keep feeding the way society views us or you can fight the stigma.

What are your thoughts on the Gaming Community?


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Source: http://maxlevel.org/the-gaming-community-no-longer-a-community/

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