বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Executive Speech Coach - Business Presentations: Avoid the ...

Many of us learned the scientific presentation format in school. It was boring then. It's still boring.

Don't write and deliver your presentation in the scientific presentation style - unless you are a scientist speaking to a group of academics.

This is the scientific format.

1. Problem
2. Theory
3. Process
4. Results
5. Conclusion

Boring - boring - boring!

Instead - tell us the conclusion. If we don't like your conclusion - we don't care about your process. If we like your conclusion - we don't care about your process.

Presentation Tips on Twitter Presentation Skills Club on Facebook Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives

Source: http://executivespeechcoach.blogspot.com/2012/10/avoid-scientific-presentation-format.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Romney on economy: Obama 'made the problem worse'

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after he spoke about the economy at a campaign rally at Kinzler Construction Services in Ames, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets supporters after he spoke about the economy at a campaign rally at Kinzler Construction Services in Ames, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, and his vice presidential running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., wave as fireworks go off at a campaign event at the baseball field of North Canton Hoover High School in North Canton, Ohio, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, before he speaking about the economy at a campaign rally at Kinzler Construction Services in Ames, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama greets supporters after speaking at a campaign event at Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney reaches out to shake hands with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, left, before he spoke about the economy at a campaign rally at Kinzler Construction Services in Ames, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

AMES, Iowa (AP) ? Seizing on fresh evidence of economic sluggishness, Republican challenger Mitt Romney said Friday that President Barack Obama inherited a bad situation when he took office and then "made the problem worse." Obama looked ahead to the second term he's hoping to win.

Referring to the two top Republicans in Congress, the president said he was prepared to "wash John Boehner's car" or "walk Mitch McConnell's dog" if it would help complete an elusive deal to cut future deficits by trillions of dollars.

The two campaign rivals faced a common danger as the end of their race came into view: a large and dangerous storm threatening to barrel up the East Coast. Romney and Vice President Joe Biden each canceled planned weekend appearances in Virginia Beach, Va.

Romney was unsparing in his criticism of the man he hopes to unseat. "Despite all that he inherited, President Obama did not repair our economy, he did not save Medicare and Social Security, he did not tame the spending and borrowing, he did not reach across the aisle to bring us together," the former Massachusetts governor said.

"Four years ago, America voted for a post-partisan president, but they have seen the most political of presidents, and a Washington in gridlock because of it," he added.

The Republican challenger borrowed a theme from Obama's successful 2008 campaign, saying he and running mate Paul Ryan "can bring real change to this country." And he tweaked a line that former President Bill Clinton unveiled at this summer's Democratic National Convention, saying, "This is not the time to double-down on trickle-down government policies that have failed us."

Democrats delighted in pointing out that Romney spoke outside Kinzler Construction Services, which benefitted from more than $650,000 in stimulus funding from the 2009 package Obama that signed into law ? and the Republican nominee often criticizes.

Romney campaigned in Iowa and Ohio as national polls showed a tight race. Though his aides claimed momentum, citing recent polls, Obama's team said the president led or was tied in each of the nine battleground states where the two sides have concentrated hundreds of millions of dollars in television commercials over the past five months.

Back in the White House after his long day and night and day of campaigning, Obama said he looked forward to trying to reach a deal with congressional Republicans on a sweeping budget deal if he wins re-election. Asked by radio show host Michael Smerconish if he would make the first move, the president replied, "I've said I'll do whatever's required to get this done.

"And I think the key that the American people want right now is for us to tackle some big challenges that we face in a commonsense, balanced, sensible way." That was a reference to one of his biggest differences with Romney ? his insistence that tax cuts be allowed to expire at upper incomes on Dec. 31, as opposed to Romney's insistence that they be extended.

Obama has been under pressure from Romney in recent days to be more specific about a second-term agenda, and he released a 20-page pamphlet earlier this week. He also had interviews with MTV and several battleground-state television stations on his schedule for the day.

Later, in a live interview with MTV, he urged younger voters to cast their ballots, saying, "there's no excuse" not to.

"In 2000, Gore versus Bush, 537 votes changed the direction of history in a profound way and the same thing could happen," he said. That was Bush's contested margin of victory in Florida, the state that decided the election in a race that went to the Supreme Court.

The two sides disagreed ? of course ? on whether the political battlefield was expanding.

First Romney, then Obama, launched a modest run of television ads in Minnesota, where neither side had made a significant effort to date. The Republican's aides claimed an opportunity to make a state competitive that had long been counted as safe for Obama. The president's side disputed that, insisting that its ads were aimed at voters in Wisconsin, the battleground next door.

Obama's strategists appeared concerned about the impact of Romney's persistent attacks on the president's position on Israel, airing a commercial in the West Palm Beach, Fla., area, home to a large number of Jewish voters. "As long as I'm president of the United States, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon," the president vows in the ad, addressing fears that Tehran would attempt to obliterate the Jewish state.

The ad's subject matter, foreign policy, was a rarity in a campaign for the White House focused largely on the economy and jobs.

Romney vows to put his experience as a businessman to use to create 12 million jobs in four years in a country where unemployment only recently fell below 8 percent for the first time since Obama took office. The president claims progress during his term on fixing the economy, though conceding it hasn't been fast enough, and says Romney's policies would only make matters worse.

There was little indication that the economy was gathering much momentum, based on a Commerce Department report during the day, which said growth from July through September was slightly faster than a 2 percent annual rate. Growth so far this year is slightly less than in 2011, which was weaker than 2010. Officials said the current annual rate is too slow to bring a rapid boost in job creation.

Not all economy-related soundings were negative.

A prominent measure of consumer confidence, calculated by the University of Michigan, rose to its highest level since September 2007, three months before the nation's economy cratered and the credit system virtually shut down.

Romney's aides billed his remarks as a speech about the economy although it was more political than that.

"Four years ago, candidate Obama spoke to the scale of the times. Today, he shrinks from it, trying instead to distract our attention from the biggest issues to the smallest, from characters on Sesame Street and silly word games to misdirected personal attacks he knows are false," he said.

Romney personalized his message at Friday's final campaign stop on frigid night in North Canton, Ohio: "How many single moms these days are scrimping and saving so they can put a good meal on the table at the end of the day for their kids?" Romney asked with Ryan at his side, later adding, "It's time to have a president and a vice president who care more about the people than care about politics."

The Republican's statement that it was no time to "double down on trickle down government policies" was eerily like Clinton's criticism at the Democratic convention. "We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle down," the former president said, referring to policies he said Republicans had tried in the past with poor results.

The Romney campaign moved swiftly to try to lay one controversy to rest.

Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu suggested in an interview on Thursday that retired Secretary of State Colin Powell had endorsed Obama because both are black. Sununu later issued a statement that said, "I do not doubt that it was based on anything but his support of the president's policies."


Associated Press writers Julie Pace. Michele Salcedo and Martin Crutsinger in Washington and Beth Fouhy in New York contributed to this story. Espo reported from Washington.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-26-Presidential%20Campaign/id-1a578c3e99bb4382bc1f1529fc2e72c2

joe paterno dead marist south carolina primary results betty white ed reed football schedule jo paterno dead

Electronic Communications Regulation Update: FCC adopts order ...

"The Federal Communications Commission today adopted revised rules to enable Wireless Communications Service (WCS) licensees? to use a total of 30 megahertz of underutilized spectrum in the 2.3 GHz band for wireless broadband services, while protecting the adjacent Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) operator Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Sirius XM) against harmful interference. Today?s action continues the FCC?s efforts to remove the regulatory barriers that are limiting the flexible use of spectrum for broadband services.

The revised rules are consistent with a compromise proposal between AT&T Inc. and Sirius XM designed to facilitate the efficient deployment and coexistence of the WCS and SDARS.?

Of the 30 megahertz of total spectrum, 20 megahertz may be used for mobile broadband services and 10 megahertz for fixed broadband services, with possible future use as downlink spectrum to serve mobile broadband devices." (see FCC's press release and order).

Source: http://www.electronic-communications-regulation-update.com/2012/10/fcc-adopts-order-freeing-up-30-mhz.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

?If the job sounds too good to be true, it is.? and ?If they are vague on ...



Now that we have covered surviving the first few months of freshman year, let?s focus on the opposite end of the college spectrum: finding a job. Although, this post is not just for college graduates; this information will help recent grads and some currently unemployed. Websites like MONSTER.COM and CAREERBUILDER.COM just allow companies to post all they want, which means some could be scams, but still some could be legitimate jobs. You have to research fully before spending your time applying and interviewing at the posted companies. Newspapers are relatively safer when job hunting, since there is a monetary fee to post an ad, yet these should be further researched as well.

As a soon to be grad, and marketing major, I am unfortunately the target of most of the scams. These scams are looking for ?Recent Grads? ?No Experience Necessary? ?We believe in rotational programs starting with sales? or just general ?Sales Positions?. These positions usually entail cold calling or door to door sales. Don?t get me wrong, sometimes legitimate jobs involve cold calling or door to door sales, but they will be for well known companies and they will tell you upfront, that is what you will be doing. The idea of rotational programs are fantastic, the best employees are the ones that understand how the whole operation works. However, these scam programs start you in commission sales and hope you quit before they have to actually pay you a salary for the other ?rotations? in the company.


Now, unfortunately, I can?t just tell you to stay away from companies X, Y and Z. These large companies have hundreds of smaller companies with normal sounding names recruiting for them. The one that I came in contact with was Cydcor. I was searching for a marketing job in the South Jersey/Philly area.? I found five companies I liked, so of course I Googled them. ***Make sure you go to the second page of the results. If that just seems foreign to you (I never go to the 2nd page) re-Google the business with the word ?scam?*** I did not do this, so I received a call for an interview with East Coast Business Concepts and scheduled for a week later. I excitedly told my mom and of course she had to check it out herself. She went beyond page 1 of Google and saw that some people we not happy there. I then checked it out and immediately found two posts; Sully?s Blog and Ripoff Report, be sure to scroll down in the comments on Sully?s there is a list of about 50 affiliates. They were affiliates of Cydcor. It turns out these companies go door to door selling Verizon FiOS, for example, and will not reimburse you for gas and over saturates the market so selling is very difficult. The pyramid scheme comes into play when they want you to start your own company with them and recruit your own sales force, but you will not get all the money, only what trickles down. Obviously, when I read this, my excitement for my interview was gone. So I then Googled the other companies+scam and found that three of the five I found were part of Cydcor and there were plenty of other ?mother? companies in other parts of the US, doing the same thing on the sites I looked at. Since these sites are basically posting for sales jobs, they are targeting marketing graduates, as well as those who are unemployed seeking a job.


Now that you know what jobs to stay away from and how to investigate them; how are you going to land that fantastic job when you find it? You could find a pin like me on Pinterest (found this the night before I posted) or read my lovely advice I spent hours compiling. Currently, I am still job searching (hopefully not for too much longer), but here are my myths and realities for writing resumes. Can you guess them correctly?

1. Don?t obviously use words from the company website or job posting.

2. Your resume can only be one page, that?s as far as employers look.


3. Your resume is your first impression; make them feel like they know you through the paper.

4. When job searching, send your resume to every company you can possibly think of.

5. You need to write an objective at the beginning of your resume.

6. Separate your work experience into relevant and other.

7. Add all the clubs and activities you were part of to fluff your resume, especially if you have not had many ?real jobs?.

8. A resume should be professional and no personal information should be stated.

9. To make your resume stand out, use funky font and a cool layout.

10.People still read cover letters so you should spend the time to write one.

11. Looking over the web site is all the preparation you need to do for an interview.

Okay did you write down your answers? Just kidding, I think we are all beyond that by now. Here are the results.

1. MYTH! Those words are called ?buzz words? for a reason.? Using their key words shows you took the time to read the posting thoroughly or even looked through their website before applying. Recruiters and Human Resource personnel have been taught to look for these words; these words are what they want their employees to possess. Now obviously, don?t go crazy and try to copy the posting or website word for word because that is just tacky.

2. MYTH! No one wants to read a ten page resume, but cramming everything on a .5 inch margin page doesn?t look good either; I?ve done it, it looks bad. If you do not have much to put on a resume, just add an extra space between parts and use solid 1 inch margins. If you have too much information on your resume there are two options; cut out your least recent jobs or activities (if they don?t really strengthen your resume) or change your margins to .75 inch and bold your headlines instead of adding extra space between them. Keeping it one page makes printing and handing to people easier, but if you need to go to a second page? organize your ?most relevant to the job? items at the beginning of your resume, so if they don?t go to the second page you get your most important aspects across.

3. REALITY! This is a 2D version of you that you need to make feel real 3D, or at least 2.5D. This is your first impression with your employer and


you want to make it count. If you don?t make an impression, you go in the trash, and no one likes to be in the trash?except Oscar.

4. MYTH! Sending your resume to 20+ companies in one sitting it ridiculous. You want to personalize each resume and application you send. Let the business think you specifically want to work for them; that they were not just part of your mass mailing campaign. The WORST thing you can do is forget to change your cover letter or objective and send to the wrong company.

5. I believe yes, this is a REALITY, but the jury is out on this one still. The objective in your resume is like a super mini cover letter. You can change it for each job you apply to and can put those BUZZWORDS in it. It just gives a little extra personalization to your resume.

6. REALITY! If this is your first real job or you are switching industries you should separate your work experiences. That first job I had at 14 in a market is not relevant to my marketing career; however, it does show that I have been working since I was legally able. If you are changing career industries, your most recent job may not be the most relevant; so re-organize your job history to promote you the best for the job.

7. MYTH! Only put what strengthens your resume, such as leadership in a club or activity. Being a member of the soccer team or the knitting club doesn?t really make you any better of a candidate for a ?real world? job. Now if you were the president of a club, you could put that down and talk about your responsibilities. Bottom line is: keep clubs and activities out unless they directly relate to the job you are applying for.

8. MYTH! As stated in #3 this is your first impression you need to make them feel like they know you, and like you, before you even meet face to face. Don?t go overboard talking about your pets or fave food, but tell them something that no one else can. For example, you started your own business, even though it only lasted a couple months; you helped with some program up at your school; anything that will set you apart and is relevant to the job.

9. MYTH! This fits with #8 as well, but there is a line between obnoxious and standing out. Unlike Elle Woods in Legally Blonde (I cant believe I am actually referencing that movie?) spraying some perfume on a pink resume is not going to fly. Pick a common, legible font type and use black ink. Let the words do the talking. You should however, print them on heavier paper (it?s actually called resume paper) if giving a physical copy to a prospective employer.

10. REALITY! Cover letters still matter, just about every previous topic falls into this part. The cover letter is your personal correspondence with the company, it is how you say ?I fit in your company because of X, Y and Z and I can bring A, B and C to the company and I am just awesome because?? Obviously, not in those words, but this is where you can really talk yourself up and try to connect with the recruiter or HR employee. You format it just like a business letter, if you don?t know how to write a formal business letter just Google it, they have great templates.

11. MYTH! Their website is a great place to start, but Google them! Also, if you know who you will interviewing with try to find them on LinkedIn or Facebook; you know they will be doing the same thing to you (make your profile private if you haven?t already, but if you don?t post scandalous things then you have nothing to worry about). Looking up your interviewer gives you some small talk topics to go to as well as maybe a common interest to thread into conversation. Interviews are all about making that personal connection so they remember you when it comes time to making the ?final cut?.

In terms of interviews, just be yourself, I have found that works the best. The interviews I have gone on may not have immediately turned into jobs, but they liked me and kept me on file for future openings. Remember, you have already made yourself up to be the ?perfect? prospective employee in your resume, now let yourself come out so you can really make a personal connection and be remembered as a genuine person. Dress for the job you want; the worst thing is to walk into an interview and feel under or over dressed. Men, collared shirt and dress pants at least, probably go for the whole suit look for most corporate jobs. Women, dress pants and a non- revealing top, heels or solid neutral flats, jacket optional. By looking at their website you should be able to get a good idea of the dress code. If you get the job they will tell you what the daily office dress code is so there will be no more guessing.

Good Luck on your job searches, use your best judgement and be yourself!


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Tags: R?sum?, Job hunting, Employment, Ripoff Report, recent grad, unemployed, cover letter, linkedin, facebook

Source: http://changingthewayyouwork.com/2012/10/24/if-the-job-sounds-too-good-to-be-true-it-is-and-if-they-are-vague-on-the-position-they-will-be-vague-on-the-pay-how-to-find-a-great-job-and-create-an-awesome-r/

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IFBB Pro German Bodybuilder Ronny Rockel Training At Las Vegas Road To The Mr. Olympia 2012 ? 1 Day Out Exclusive Footage Update ? 27th September 2012.

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It's National Chemistry Week: 2012 Theme is Nanotechnology

Happy National Chemistry Week!

From October 21-27, 2012 Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Chemical Professionals and enthusiasts are celebrating how wonderful Chemistry is! And it is.? But I have to admit, I?m such a biologist ? a whole organism, big animal and plant type ? that anything I can?t see with my eyes or a hand lens blows my mind.? So I pretty much leave all things Chemical-ly to my girl and Curly Hair Mafia Capo, @DrRubidium. She?s Analytical Chemist (yeah, I don?t know what that means) who has a Chemistry Blog Thirty Seven at Scientopia and a Video Blog Series: Chemicals of the Week.

For Chemistry Week, she has this great lesson on Condom Chemistry.

But if you want something more family inclusive, then visit the American Chemical Society official page about National Chemistry Week. You can look up events happening in your area.

The ACS is a great organization, one of the largest science professional societies in the world.? They do great outreach. (I?m still licking my wounds from being stopped from crashing turned away from the American Chemical Society National Meeting in 2010.

I almost made it, too.

If you are in the Chicago Metropolitan area, then here?s something for your 4th-12th grade kids to get into this Saturday at the Museum of Science and Industry to celebrate National Chemistry Week. My friend Martin Lindsey is working with those good folks doing some science and tech outreach work.

If I had been thinking (or had the energy, shoot I?m still tired from my travels and research), then I would have tried to organize a series of events aimed at audiences I try to reach.? I think partnering with Natural Hair Bloggers, Beauty Bloggers, plus Technology and trade organizations like the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), and National Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA), as well as social/civic justice organizations to host local events would have been a fantastic idea.

But seriously, now that I think about it, that?s no little thing to do. That?s a full-on campaign. See, I need to do this full-time. I?m not seeing anything on a large-scale that brings major science themes or programs to target populations in a way that is culturally-relevant, inclusive of the whole community? and existing social and service programs, and gets people aware of opportunities in science and excited, too.? I could so do that.

Where to start? Any recommendations?

What National Chemistry Week activities will you and your family participate in this week? Can you think of ways to bring these fun and engaging activities to broader audiences?

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=090241e87ec75140705585008f1303cf

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    BANGKOK (AP) ? Asian stock markets stalled Tuesday following the release of disappointing U.S. corporate earnings, but a weakening yen helped support Japanese shares.

    Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 0.1 percent to 9,017.83, a day after the country's currency fell to a three-month low against the dollar. A weak yen helps the country's mammoth export sector by raising the value of company profits repatriated from abroad.

    South Korea's Kospi shed 0.3 percent to 1,934.59. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 added 0.2 percent to 4,550.40. Benchmarks in Singapore and Indonesia rose while Taiwan's fell. Mainland Chinese shares were mixed and Hong Kong markets were closed for a public holiday.

    U.S. stock markets were nearly flat Monday after investors were hit with more underwhelming third-quarter earnings reports. Investors were disappointed by earnings reports from toy maker Hasbro, clothing maker VF Corp., regional bank SunTrust and other companies.

    The Dow Jones industrial average rose marginally to 13,345.89. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose less than 0.1 percent to 1,433.81. The Nasdaq composite index rose 0.4 percent to 3,016.96.

    In currencies, the euro rose to $1.3053 from $1.3045 late Monday in New York. The dollar slipped slightly to 79.84 yen from 79.89 yen.

    The Japanese currency fell to its lowest level against the dollar in over three months Monday after Japan said that its exports fell 10.3 percent in September from a year earlier.

    Benchmark oil for November delivery was up 41 cents to $89.06 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell $1.32 to finish at $88.73 in New York.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/asia-stocks-muted-us-earnings-underwhelm-032545833--finance.html

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    Bullish on the Accounting Business ? CPA Trendlines

    But how are firms preparing for busy season? Join the survey, get the answers.

    by Rick Telberg
    CPA Trendlines

    News and data are streaming in to CPA Trendlines showing widespread signs of strength and recovery in the tax and accounting business.

    Rick Telberg
    President / CEO
    CPA Trendlines

    We?re seeing rebounding revenues, profits and incomes from two of the leading MAP surveys, one here and here.

    Hiring at accounting firms is strong and trending stronger, suggesting real confidence in an improved busy season, on top of last year?s blockbuster.

    Billing rates and prices are suddenly surging upward, indicating amenable clients and more of them.

    To be sure, of course, prosperity brings it?s own perils. Competition is getting even tougher, with more firms reporting even more aggressive business development plans. Profits could be pinched soon, particularly in forensics, as the growth rate in starting salaries returns to pre-recession levels.

    And the avalanche of mergers, acquisitions and consolidation that is restructuring the profession will only accelerate. By one estimate, a third of the CPA firms in New York City alone will change hands in the next five years.

    At the same time, the rate of new firm formation appears to be running at record levels. So for every firm that disappears off the radar screen through shakeout, you can probably count a dozen new firms forming ? with nothing but a shingle and an internet connection, or a corner table at Starbucks.

    It?s a great time to be bullish on accounting.

    SUBSCRIBE to email updates

    Source: http://cpatrendlines.com/2012/10/22/bullish-on-the-accounting-business/

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    stoic rial: Students on Hand as Eagerly Anticipated Campus Rec ...

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]Located between the Student Union and the Sports Complex, the Campus Recreation Center is a three-floor facility devoted entirely to the health and well-being of Stony Brook students, faculty and staff. It also includes two first-floor lounges with couches, televisions and ... rugby, soccer, lacrosse, quidditch, field hockey, archery and ultimate frisbee. Students, faculty and staff will continue to utilize the Sports Complex for recreational swimming, racquetball and squash.

    Source: http://commcgi.cc.stonybrook.edu/am2/publish/General_University_News_2/Students_on_Hand_as_Eagerly_Anticipated_Campus_Rec_Center_Opens.shtml

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    Source: http://kiperpablo.typepad.com/blog/2012/10/students-on-hand-as-eagerly-anticipated-campus-rec-center-opens.html

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    Source: http://cyrilmurray2031.typepad.com/blog/2012/10/students-on-hand-as-eagerly-anticipated-campus-rec-center-opens.html

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    Source: http://stoic-rial.blogspot.com/2012/10/students-on-hand-as-eagerly-anticipated.html

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    Family escapes burning home | KFOR.com ? Oklahoma City News ...

    OKLAHOMA CITY ? Oklahoma City firefighters rushed to the scene of a house fire about 5:30 a.m. Monday.

    The fire sparked in the 1400 block of Williams Drive, near SW 44th and Penn.

    There was a family inside the house when the fire started.

    Two adults and two toddlers escaped safely.

    Crews believe the fire started in the garage.

    Source: http://kfor.com/2012/10/22/family-escapes-burning-home-2/

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    Mo. legislative panel focuses on higher ed funding

    WARRENSBURG, Mo. (AP) ? A panel of state lawmakers holds a hearing at the University of Central Missouri this week on creation of a funding formula for higher education institutions.

    Tuesday's hearing is the second of three scheduled by the Legislature's Joint Committee on Education.

    A bill approved earlier this year directed the committee to develop a funding formula by the end of 2013 and said the Legislature should implement it for the 2015 budget year.

    Republican Sen. David Pearce, of Warrensburg, chairs the 14-member committee. He says the panel wants ideas for developing a rational basis for core funding for colleges and universities, and for setting performance-based standards.

    Pearce says more than 12 states recently have developed performance evaluation standards that consider such factors as a school's mission and rates of student retention.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/mo-legislative-panel-focuses-higher-ed-funding-170954200--finance.html

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    WWE continues to spread the be a STAR message in Connecticut's captial

    HARTFORD, Conn. ??WWE Superstars and Divas continued to spread the be a STAR Alliance?s anti-bullying message to the WWE Universe in Connecticut?s state capital!

    After Friday?s successful stop at Jumoke Academy at Milner (MORE), more WWE Superstars and Divas visited the Boys and Girls Club and the YMCA on Sunday afternoon in honor of Anti-Bullying Month!

    One out of every four children is bullied, and a child is bullied every seven minutes, whether it?s cyber, physical or verbal. Through WWE and The Creative Coalition?s campaign, children around the globe are encouraged to ?be a STAR: Show Tolerance And Respect.?

    First, Divas Champion Eve and Brodus Clay hosted a be a STAR rally at the Boys and Girls Club Sunday for more than 50 children. (PHOTOS |?MORE PHOTOS) After welcome message by Boys and Girls Club President Sam Gray, Eve spoke to the students first about WWE?s commitment to the be a STAR anti-bullying campaign not only during October, which is Anti-Bullying Month, but also all year long. Then, Eve and Brodus spent time with the kids, sharing their personal stories about bullying and encouraging them to start their own be a STAR local chapters. Finally, they led the students in the be a STAR chant before an autograph session.

    Simultaneously, approximately 50 students joined Jack Swagger and AJ Lee at Hartford?s YMCA gymnasium for a second be a STAR rally. After talking to the crowd about the importance of standing up to bullies, the Superstar and Diva broke the group into smaller ones for more personal conversations about different types of bullying, including cyber, physical and emotional, and how it can be stopped. Before Swagger and AJ left the YMCA, they hosted an autograph session with the children.

    For a year and a half, WWE Superstars and Divas have visited more than 40 schools to spread the be a STAR message, affecting 20,000-plus children! This is in addition to the 20,000 people who have taken the be a STAR pledge online at beastaralliance.org.

    Be a STAR is made up of more than 50 alliance partners including Scholastic Inc., YMCA of America, Girl Scouts of America, GLAAD, RAINN and STOMP Out Bullying. For more information, visit beastaralliance.org, the?be a STAR Facebook?page and on Twitter?@beastaralliance. Also, log on to?beastaralliance.org to take the official be a STAR pledge and to download a free be a STAR teacher?s aide and be a STAR toolkit to start your own local chapter.

    View Comments

    Source: http://www.wwe.com/inside/overtheropes/wweinyourcorner/be-a-star-hartford-rallies-continue

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    রবিবার, ২১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

    Warning Sign confident about the Claydon Racing At Witney 01993 ...

    Warning Sign confident about the Claydon Racing At Witney 01993 771314 Gold Cup Heat 2

    The most promising candidate for the Claydon Racing At Witney 01993 771314 Gold Cup Heat 2 is the three-year-old black and dog, Warning Sign. He does not only have a collection of strong recent performances, but has also drawn the third trap which has got him the strong backing of 5 to 4. The 450 metres flat race will be hosted by Oxford on Saturday, 20th October, and will award the winner out of the ?150 prize money.

    The D. Whitton trained started racing just this season, and has proved himself time and again, gaining the trust and appreciation of the connections and the crowds alike.

    Ever since 17th May, Droopys Scolari?s son has raced at only the open level, and has bagged the prize money at numerous occasions.

    He has raced at Oxford, Mildenhall, Henlow and Romford.

    Only his last two attempts were over 450 metres otherwise all the other outings were over distances other than 450 metres.

    Warning Sign qualified as the runner-up of the second heat of the Blanchford Building Supplies Oxfordshire Stakes on 6th October, 2012 at Oxford over 450 metres.

    Racing in the white jacket, the three-year-old had to break free from the unsteady crowded start of the race, and even after that the rest of the track distance was nothing less than challenging.

    He missed the race by a short head?s distance, while it was won by, Zodiac Zeus, the favourite entry, in 27.48 seconds.

    Filling up the third position after racing from the first trap was, Bursary Boy.

    The black hound out of, Dooey Lemon, won the final of the Blancford Building Supplies Oxfordshire on 13th October, 2012 at Oxford over 450 metres.

    The runner-up of the second heat once again took flight from the third trap, and was difficult to contain after setting in a quick pace and lead. Racing by those lines had him on the other end of the wire in 26.96 seconds.

    He kept the runner-up of the race, Ballymac Eat, adrift by 2 ? lengths.

    He will race out of his lucky trap tonight again, and will need to look out for the 9 to 4 shot of the race, Glenbane Air.

    The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent bettor.com?s official editorial policy.




    Source: http://blogs.bettor.com/Warning-Sign-confident-about-the-Claydon-Racing-At-Witney-01993-771314-Gold-Cup-Heat-2-a196274

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    Cardinals forced to make another trip out West

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? The Giants sure are tough to eliminate this postseason.

    Barry Zito and the Giants gave themself at least one more game in the NL championship series with a 5-0 victory Friday in St. Louis that forced Sunday's Game 6 back at AT&T Park.

    Just where the NL West winners want to be with their season on the line ? in front of the raucous, orange towel-waving sellout crowd.

    "It's great to be back in San Francisco. There is no tomorrow," Giants right fielder Hunter Pence said. "It's a unique feeling. It has brought the best out of us."

    The wild-card Cardinals traveled out West again for a trip they certainly hoped they wouldn't have to make. Defending champion St. Louis leads the best-of-seven series 3-2, needing one more win for a World Series return.

    St. Louis knows how hard winning the last one can be considering what this Giants team already did during these playoffs: winning three straight on the road at Cincinnati in the division series after falling behind 2-0.

    "They've been doing this all year. Obviously, the Cincinnati series, here come the Giants," Cardinals third baseman David Freese said. "It's good for TV but it's disappointing in (our) sense."

    Game 2 winner Ryan Vogelsong starts for the Giants for the second time this series against Chris Carpenter, who lost that matchup at San Francisco on Monday.

    "No question, we want to win it as soon as we can. We wanted to do it last night," Carpenter said Saturday. "But, again, we have to get one win before they get two. We'll do whatever we can. If it's not tomorrow night we'll come in and do it again."

    While the Cardinals took a day to rest ? Carpenter and a couple of pitchers did play some catch ? Pence and most of his team showed up at the ballpark in late afternoon to hit and work out even though manager Bruce Bochy gave his players the day off.

    With Vogelsong on the mound, the Giants have to like their chances to push the series to a Game 7.

    Vogelsong became the first Giants starter to make it through six innings this postseason when he went seven strong innings in a 7-1 Game 2 victory. He allowed four hits and one run for his first career postseason win.

    "We all kind of feel like we've been in this situation before with Cincinnati," Vogelsong said. "And it's not over until the last out. I think both teams that are playing right now have proved that in the first round."

    Giants general manager Brian Sabean wasn't surprised to see his team on the field Saturday for an optional practice ? realizing full well players didn't want to risk losing any momentum from the night before.

    "Sometimes you wonder how much at this stage that there is a home-field advantage," Sabean said. "In some cases, because of the bullpens, it's probably as much as whoever gets the lead and can hold off the other ballclub from scoring will win the ballgame. We know what's at stake. We know that they're going to put a game against us. I'm sure Vogey will be ready."

    St. Louis postseason ace Carpenter was looking forward to another chance, too.

    He has been plenty reliable this time of year for the Cardinals, with his 10 postseason victories the most in franchise history. His stuff never felt right the last time out against the Giants, when he allowed two earned runs, five in all, and six hits in four innings.

    "It doesn't matter if you're on the road, what game it is, it's the first one to win four games, and hopefully we can do that tomorrow," Carpenter said.

    The 37-year-old Carpenter pitched two clinchers last October and went 4-0. He won the division series clincher and did it again in Game 7 of the World Series against the Texas Rangers.

    So, why not add that NLCS distinction to his impressive October resume?

    It's already been a memorable month for Carpenter, who came back to make three starts ? throwing just 17 innings ? late in the regular season after a complicated operation that removed a rib and two neck muscles to relieve numbness on his right side.

    He is counting on commanding his fastball better this time out. His postseason ERA in two outings this year is 1.86.

    "The last time out my stuff went backwards a little bit," Carpenter said. "I was trying everything I could to get outs but unfortunately it didn't work. I had some nice work in between that start and this start, I feel good and I'm looking forward to getting back out there."

    The Giants returned to the Bay Area as soon as they could to get ready for Game 6, flying home overnight and landing at 2:30 a.m. But the Cardinals still had to go home after Friday night's game and pack their bags. They slept in their own beds and took off from St. Louis at midday Central time.

    San Francisco, which made an improbable run to the 2010 World Series title, hopes to send St. Louis out of town empty-handed. The Giants won the NLCS in five games at their waterfront ballpark against the Cardinals in 2002 before falling short in a seven-game Series to the wild-card Angels.

    The Detroit Tigers are waiting on their opponent after a four-game ALCS sweep of the New York Yankees.

    Not that Bochy or Cardinals manager Mike Matheny can even think that far in advance, just yet.

    "I don't necessarily see them as pesky as much as just talented," Matheny said of the Giants. "And the same kind of makeup that we have, they aren't going to go away and neither are we. And we knew that going into this thing. As soon as we won a couple of games at home there was nobody in there for a second under the belief that this was going to be a team that was going to just roll over. So we know that this team has the ability to do what they did, once again, in Cincinnati, running in there and doing something that hasn't been done all season. ... It's just a matter of execution, and they executed better than us yesterday."

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cardinals-forced-another-trip-west-215245460--mlb.html

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    Lawyers, CEOs boosted Obama's Sept. donations

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    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/lawyers-ceos-boosted-obamas-sept-donations-013650041--election.html

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    Domain names are probably some of the most important internet assets. There are companies willing to spend thousands of pounds to regain their domain names from the wrong hands underscoring the great importance that these companies attach to ?online real estate?.? But before you go on wasting your money, it is important to ensure that you have decided on the right kind of domain names that will be of value to you or your organization. In this age when many business processes are shifting to the cyberspace, your domain name is inseparable from your own corporate identity or image. There are lots of reasons why you should get this process right.

    Influence of domain names on type-in traffic and SEO
    By some estimates, some 15% of web users will simply type in your address to the browser when looking for information about your brand or services as opposed to searching for your content through search engines. It therefore helps if you have domain name that is short and memorable. This means users can easily remember your domain name and you are able to get more targeted traffic from people who come to your website deliberately and not by accident.? Good domain names that closely correspond to the products and services you are offering online also have good SEO value.

    Good Branding
    A good domain name is good for business branding. By including your business name in your domain name along with on related services such as emails and blogs, you are able to offer your users a unified and professional looking online brand which inspires confidence in you and your online business.

    Targeting the right market niche with your domain name
    Choosing the right domain name can help you in targeting a particular market in a particular geographical location which allows customers to easily identify with your brand. For example, if you are planning to establish a business that is focused on the UK market, choosing a .co.uk domain will inspire trust in your customers who will easily identify with you as a UK brand. The same applies to someone who is establishing a business in the EU market where a .eu domain will inspire trust in the minds of consumers who will consider them as a company with a Pan European focus.

    Avoid Trademark Disputes
    Incorporating some due diligence in the choice of the right domain names can also help businesses avoid costly trademark disputes through processes like the UDRP and other alternative dispute resolution procedures which tend to be quite costly especially in cases where multiple domain names are involved.

    from Make Money Online

    Source: http://cash-bandit.com/2012/10/19/why-choosing-the-right-domain-name-is-important-2/

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    Man Asian Literary Prize loses funding

    The Man Group, which also sponsors the Man Booker Prize, has withdrawn its support from the Man Asian Literary Prize, which will be unable to go on after this year if another sponsor isn't found.

    By Molly Driscoll,?Staff writer / October 19, 2012

    South Korean author Kyung-sook Shin was awarded the 2011 Man Asian Literary Prize for her novel 'Please Look After Mom.'


    The Man Asian Literary Prize, which honors the best novel of the year written by an Asian writer and translated into English, is seeking new sponsorship after the Man Group withdrew its financial support.

    Skip to next paragraph Molly Driscoll

    Staff writer

    Molly Driscoll is a Books and the Culture staff writer.

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    The Man Group, which is an assets management firm, is also behind the Man Booker Prize, which was awarded earlier this week to ?Bring Up the Bodies? writer Hilary Mantel.

    ?We recently announced a program to reduce costs by $100 million by the end of next year, and this decision should be seen in that context," Man Group head of communications David Waller said of the decision.

    Man Group CEO Peter Clarke said the company was proud to have been involved with the prize.

    "We are committed to supporting the prize organizers in finding a new sponsor to ensure the continued development of this leading literary prize," he told The Bookseller.

    The 2012 prize, which will be awarded in March, will be the last given with support from the Man Group.

    Executive director of the Man Asian Literary Prize Professor David Parker said that with its current funds, the organization would be able to give out the prize in March, but would need a new source of money after that.

    ?To put it bluntly, we have got about 16 weeks to find some way of funding the prize, and we are absolutely determined we are going to do it," he told the Guardian. ?There is quite a lot of potential value in backing a prize such as this, so we're not entirely desolate at this moment.?

    The Man Asian Literary Prize was first given out in 2007, and last year?s went to writer Kyung-sook Shin, the first female winner, for ?Please Look After Mom.?

    ?Of course I was shocked, upset, disappointed to hear about [the sponsorship withdrawal]," Xu Xi, an author who made the shortlist for the prize in 2007 and who is now writer-in-residence at the City University of Hong Kong, told CNN. ?There is no other prize in Asia that has any kind of international clout, that helps to bring to the fore writing specifically that is Asia-focused.?

    Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/KFNessR2Urw/Man-Asian-Literary-Prize-loses-funding

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    Source: http://monmonde-mafacon.blogspot.com/2012/10/enlisting-support-of-home-improvement.html

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    শুক্রবার, ১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

    Controversy erupts over lab chimps' next home

    NBC News

    Chimpanzees at the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Keithville, La., known as Chimp Haven.


    By Lisa Myers and Diane Beasley, Rock Center

    Famed primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall says the decision by the National Institutes of Health to remove 110 of its chimpanzees from invasive biomedical research is a ?hugely important first step? toward ending experimentation on man?s closest biological relative. But there is considerable controversy over where most of the chimps will be moved, and concern about the health of some chimps.

    Today, in the wake of that controversy, the NIH tells NBC News that it is reconsidering the plan announced last month to send 10 chimps now living at the New Iberia Research Center in Louisiana (NIRC) to the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Keithville, La., known as Chimp Haven, and the remaining 100 to a research lab, Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.? NIH now says as many chimps as possible will be moved to Chimp Haven before the end of August 2013, and that eventually all 110 chimps will go there. ??

    ?NIH is considering all options to try and move as many of the 110 chimpanzees to the Federal Sanctuary within the constraints of this timeframe and to eventually move all 110 chimpanzees to the Federal Sanctuary.? In the meantime, NIH must continue to care for the chimpanzees and Texas Biomedical can offer high-quality care until the Federal Sanctuary has the capacity to take all 110,? according to an NIH spokesperson.

    NBC News? Rock Center visited Chimp Haven and the Texas Biomedical Research Institute last year in a story about the morality and scientific necessity of invasive biomedical research and about whether older chimps that have lived their entire lives in labs should be retired to the relative freedom of a sanctuary. ?

    Famed primatologist Jane Goodall visited Fauna Sanctuary oustide of Montreal, Canada. Goodall was reunited with former lab chimpanzees that she helped rescue from a lab in New York.  The sanctuary is home to 12 chimpanzees. Lisa Myers reports.

    Watch the full reports here

    In an interview with NBC News, Goodall praised NIH Director Francis Collins, who she said called her the day the decision was to be announced to tell her that all the? federally owned chimps now at NIRC will be transferred out of the lab and deemed ?permanently ineligible? for invasive research.??He himself has led this movement,? Goodall said. ?It?s a wonderful first step in a process that gets the chimps out of the lab.?

    Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, also called the decision to spare the chimps ?a step in the right direction? but added ?I am concerned that so many of these great apes are being relocated to another lab rather than to sanctuaries.? ?NIH is officially deeming chimps headed to Texas Biomed as ?research ineligible? rather than ?retired,? an official said, because the status of ?retired? can only be applied to chimpanzees placed in the federal sanctuary.

    NBC News

    A chimp is sedated to draw blood in the effort to find a cure for Hepatitis C at Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.

    New Iberia Research Center was targeted in an undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the U.S. in 2009, which raised questions about alleged abuses in the treatment of chimps. But both the lab and NIH say those allegations had nothing to do with the decision to remove the chimps. An NIRC spokesperson said that its research center ?decided not to seek NIH funding for its chimpanzee program beyond August 2013. The ending of the NIH-chimpanzee program at NIRC ? was not out (of) concern for the level of care that animals are receiving at NIRC.? An NIH official confirmed that ?the sole reason for relocating the chimpanzees is to provide for their continued care???

    Euthanizing chimps?
    Internal NIRC emails raised the possibility of euthanizing at least three chimps that may be too sick to tolerate the stress of moving to a new facility. ?There are several NIH owned chimps that are geriatric and are chronic clinical cases,? wrote an NIRC official on Aug. 1, 2012. ?I have concerns about these guys making it through transit ? we will want to consider human (sic) euthanasia,? wrote an NIRC official on Aug. 1. When contacted about these emails, a NIRC spokesperson told NBC News that no one is suggesting ?that any chimps be euthanized rather than be shipped.? He said it?s likely the three chimps will meet the criteria for humane euthanasia within the next year, but if they don?t, discussions are under way with NIH about NIRC caring for them beyond the Aug. 31, 2013, deadline.

    Ken and Rosie are 30-year-old chimpanzees that were born in research labs and have spent most of their lives in labs dedicated to finding cures for human diseases. Some experts who support medical testing on chimps believe, at some point, the animals should be retired. A visit to a sanctuary housing retired lab chimps reveals that some of the animals still exhibit symptoms of stress from their time in the labs. Lisa Myers reports.

    The NIH went even further. A spokesman tells NBC News today: ?NIH has made it clear to New Iberia that euthanizing chimpanzees because they may be too frail to?be relocated is not an option.?While euthanasia was mentioned in New Iberia?s documents, NIH was not aware that New Iberia was considering proposing this option to NIH. The NIH is working on alternative arrangements to ensure that any chimpanzees deemed too frail to?be relocated can remain at New Iberia if it is determined to be in the chimpanzees? best interest.? ?

    Another issue: What happens to two epileptic chimps at NIRC ? Monkey and Jet? An NIRC staff member wrote on Aug. 17 that they ?SHOULD NOT GO TO CHIMP HAVEN (they will be used as poster children). I would rather they stay here.? Today, an NIRC spokesman told NBC News that this is not the institution?s official position and that ?the phrase ?poster child? was a shorthand way of expressing concern that the primates could be used to convey an inaccurate representation of NIRC?s care.?? He added that no research ever was conducted on the epileptic chimps.

    Ken and Rosie are 30-year-old chimpanzees that were born in research labs and have spent most of their lives in labs dedicated to finding cures for human diseases. The use of chimpanzees in invasive medical research has long been debated. Primatologists like Jane Goodall argue against the use of chimpanzees in medical research, while some researchers say testing is crucial and has saved human lives. Lisa Myers reports.

    Advocates for chimps are pleased by the NIH decision to forego further research on these 110 chimps, but are urging the NIH not to transfer them to another lab. ?We look forward to working with NIH and the Congress to develop a workable plan to move all of the govern-owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries in the year ahead,? said Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society president and CEO. His group and others argue that moving all chimps to Chimp Haven would save taxpayers money. ?

    Chimp Haven says it can care for all 110 chimps from the NIRC, but would need $2.5 million in construction money. The sanctuary is partly funded by taxpayers, but also relies on private donations to fund operating costs.

    Meet 'Rosie' and 'Ken': 2 chimps, many experiments

    Sen. Collins argues that, beyond saving money, retiring ALL the chimps to the national sanctuary ?also will help correct the pain and psychological damage that these animals experience as a result of being held in captivity in laboratories and subjected to experiments.??

    She is cosponsor of legislation that would ban invasive research on the approximately 1,000 chimpanzees currently housed in U.S. laboratories, unless it is deemed necessary for human health in combating a disease. Under the bill, invasive research on great apes ? including chimps, gorillas and orangutans ? would be phased out over three years after enactment. The measure would also establish a ?Great Ape Sanctuary System Fund? within the Treasury Department to pay for the retirement, to a permanent sanctuary, of the roughly 500 federally owned chimps currently in labs. The bill has been approved by a Senate committee and Collins says she hopes the Senate will pass it during a lame-duck session after the election.

    NBC News

    Chimpanzees at the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Keithville, La., known as Chimp Haven.

    Goodall argues that Congress has a moral obligation to eventually fund sanctuaries for all chimpanzees that have spent their lives in labs for research, ?thanking them for their service to mankind.?

    But for now, Goodall says?her foremost concern is to free the remaining 453 federally owned chimps, as well as hundreds of privately owned chimps, from the threat of being used for invasive experiments. ?Other NIH chimpanzees are housed at Texas Biomed, the Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research in Bastrop, Texas, and the Alamogordo Primate Facility (Chimpanzee Reserve) in New Mexico.

    NIH says it still has made no decision on the fate of 14 chimpanzees that were transferred to Texas Biomed two years ago to be available for hepatitis-C experiments. This move rekindled the public debate over the use of chimpanzees in invasive biomedical research and was the focus of NBC?s Rock Center?s two-part segment, which featured two aging chimps, Ken and Rosie. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has petitioned NIH to retire these chimps, which veterinarians have said have health issues.

    Additional resources: For more information on the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Chimp Haven,?click here.? For more information on the Texas Biomedical Research Institute,?click here.? For more information on Jane Goodall?s work and the Jane Goodall Institute,?click here. To learn about a group of lab chimpanzees that Goodall helped get placed in the Fauna sanctuary outside of Montreal, Canada,?click here. To learn more about the Great Ape Protection Act that Goodall is working to pass,?click here.

    Rock Center was granted unprecedented access to the Texas Biomedical Research Institute. The Institute uses chimpanzees in their research to find a cure for Hepatitis C, a potentially deadly virus.? Meet the chimpazees in the lab. Lisa Myers reports.

    Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/17/14125394-goodall-praises-nih-decision-to-remove-some-chimps-from-research-but-controversy-erupts-over-their-next-home?lite

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