মঙ্গলবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

One in four Japanese companies get Search Engine Optimisation professionals in

How much is your monthly SEO budget? graph of japanese statisticsOne in four seems like a large number to me, but given that this survey into Search Engine Optimisation (SEO from now) was conducted by an SEO provider Detail Cloud Creative (and reported on by japan.internet.com) perhaps there is a bit of favourable bias in the results?


Between the 17th and 21st of August 2012 500 people aged 20 or over who were responsible for their company?s in-house SEO completed an internet survey, although there is no information about how the sample was gathered.

There?s a lot of cowboys out their in the SEO world ? I know, I get enough spam from them myself ? but there are also some good companies, although I don?t know enough to recommend any. I?ve recently had reason to wander into the world of social media consultants, and there seemed to be quite a community of people who seemed to support each other?s work by Following, Liking and +1-ing each other?s clients while offering the single strategy of posting pithy homilies pasted on top of inoffensive images.

Research results

Q1: How do you conduct SEO on your company?s web site? (Sample size=500, multiple answer)

Do it in-house 55.6%
Contract with web site builder company 35.6%
Contract with SEO company 25.2%
Contract with other company 3.8%
Don?t do it, don?t know 0.0%

Q2: Do you know about ?Internal Measures and ?External Measures? for SEO? (Sample size=500)

Know about it 57.4%
Heard of it, but don?t know the details 35.2%
Don?t know it 7.4%

Internal measures are mainly about producing and optimising sufficient and appropriate content for one?s site, and external measures are about getting inbound links from other sites. Here is a page summarising some of the issues.

Q3: What worries do you have regarding SEO? (Sample size=500, multiple answer)

Want to do it cheaply in-house, but we don?t have SEO skill 45.0%
Want to do it cheaply in-house, but we don?t have sufficient manpower, anyone to assign to it 38.6%
Don?t know the best way to do it in-house 20.2%
Don?t really know how search engines order their results 18.0%
Web site gets frequently updated so SEO modifications will be lost 10.0%
Even if we contract an SEO company, our search rank won?t improve 8.4%
SEO software tools are difficult to use 6.4%
Don?t have HTML knowledge, and don?t know what to fix where to improve the site 5.6%
Other 8.0%

Q4: How much can you (do you) budget monthly for SEO? (Sample size=500)

Under 20,000 yen 14.8%
20,000 to 39,999 yen 9.2%
40,000 to 59,999 yen 8.6%
60,000 to 99,999 yen 12.4%
100,000 to 299,999 yen 15.0%
300,000 to 499,999 yen 5.4%
500,000 to 999,999 yen 4.2%
1,000,000 to 4,999,999 yen 3.6%
5,000,000 to 9,999,999 yen 1.2%
10,000,000 yen or more 1.2%
Don?t know 24.4%
Read more on: detail cloud creative,seo


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  • Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/gO5tzuvjRu0/

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