মঙ্গলবার, ১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Post-Holiday Detox | ActiveWoMOM

It?s over! We made it! Some of us, just barely. We survived the holidays. The holiday season usually consist of friends, food and major parties. If some of you are feeling a tad bit bloated and weighed down, you are not alone. All the more reason to get back to your healthy routine. With 2013 knocking on the door, here are some great ways to jump start that post-holiday detox.


If you?re in the same boat as I am, it?s been a few days since you?ve laced up those sneakers. But it?s time to get back to it.?Plan your workouts for the week, set your alarm, and get back to your fitness routine. It is so important to get your body back to it?s regular exercise program to kick start your metabolism and to kick start your mind set. It may take a few days, but your body and mind will thank?you for getting back to the basics.

Throw it away.

Do not feel obligated to finish off those sweet treats leftover from Christmas. In my family, we receive stockings full of chocolates and candy. Don?t be afraid to toss it. Be grateful?for the generosity?in which it was given, but?keep in mind that?this large amount of sugar and sweets does nothing for your long term health. Be thankful for your loving family and their generous nature, and then throw it all away. Or, if you just feel too guilty tossing it, find a place to give it away. Maybe the local food bank or your child?s preschool for projects, just be sure it is out of your kitchen and out of your reach!

Eat green.

Fill up?your plate with vegetables. Lots and lots of green veggies. And not only your plate, but your glass as well. Blend up your favorite smoothies and toss in extra spinach. Or shake up some Nanogreens, which is a simple and delicious way to get all your servings of veggies in one drink. Yes please! However you do it, be sure to?up the green?veggie intake.


Hydration is key when it comes to post-holiday detoxing.?Drink down?lots of?water throughout the day, trying to get at least 64 ounces. Water helps flush out toxins and helps your body eliminate waste. A good rule of thumb is to divide your total body weight in half, and drink that many ounces. For example,?a 150-pound person should drink 75 ounces of water.

Extreme detoxes aren?t necessary or healthy to get yourself back on track after the holiday season. Also remember not to get upset at yourself about missing a few workouts or indulging in a few holiday treats. It is a new day (even a new year!) and all you need to do is start each new day with the right attitude towards your health and fitness. Until next Christmas, cheers!

Source: http://activewomom.com/active-womom/post-holiday-detox/

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